Located out in Kenthurst, this client had a large brushfence farm gate in need of repair.

Farm Gates before Brush Repair

Farm Gates before Brush Repair
These Farm Gates provide a wonderfully large entrance and by utilising the brushwood material, the fence and gates create a seamless look. The customer chose brushfence farm gates as they liked how natural the gates looked as well as the dramatic statement it made when the large gates opened.
With the metal frame already in place, the farm gate brushfence repair was simpler and only required the brush to be replaced.

Farm Gates After Brush Repair

Seamless integration of gate and fence
This meant that the repair cost less for the customer and the job could be completed more quickly to meet customer requirements.
If you are looking for a brush fence or need your existing brushfence repaired; contact North Shore Brush Fencing for an obligation free quote.