Brushwood panel fences are a great option for homes wanting stylish fences that will add value to their home.
Ideal for homes looking for a quick fence set up; the brushwood panel fences are great for those looking to increase the value of their home for sale, as well as those families looking to enjoy spending time in their garden while being surrounded with a beautiful fence.
While Brushwood panel fences look similar to hand thatched brushwood fences, the panels provide a number of benefits as they are both easier and quicker to install.
Ideal for properties with long fence lines, and especially where the land is level, brushwood panel fences offer a great solution. With the panels pre-made, labour costs may be reduced with less set up required compared to traditional brushwood fencing. Use brushwood panels in conjunction with traditional hand thatched methods to get around obstacles like tree roots or to create differing height levels.
North Shore Brush Fencing takes pride in ensuring our roll capping on the top of the panels fit in perfectly and will protect the brushwood within the panel.
Brushwood panel fences are strong, sturdy and durable with a long-life span if maintained with minor roll capping maintenance every 5-10 years.
Brushwood provides a natural, aesthetically pleasing look with additional wind and sound reduction properties. Let your home stand out with a stylish brushwood fence.
North Shore Brush Fencing only use high quality brush panels from suppliers we have a long-standing relationship with. We use the thickest panels available on the market to provide a hardwearing dense fence This ensures satisfied clients with brush fences we are proud to put our name on.