• northshorebrushfencing@gmail.com

  • 0410 695 956

  • northshorebrushfencing@gmail.com

  • 0410 695 956

Fence Repairs due to Storm Damage


Over the last six months, Sydney’s Northern Suburbs have experienced large damaging Storms.

While the initial chaos that erupted from fallen trees and broken powerlines has subsided; there are still many homes waiting for their Home Insurance to help with general property repairs including Fence Repairs.

If you have been affected by the recent storms and are in need of fence repairs, North Shore Brush Fencing can help!

Although each insurer has different requirements, generally they will require their building assessor to come to your property to access the damage and determine what repairs are needed. Their contractors will then quote for the repairs to the fence and/or depending on the damage; a new fence.

You are entitled to get your own quotes from local fencers.

If the local fence repairer pricing is in line with the pricing provided by the Insurance Contractor, your insurance company may agree to providing a cash benefit and you can organise your own fencer. Organising your own fencer has numerous advantages for you:

  1. Time. When many houses are affected by storms, Insurance Contractors are likely to be very busy trying to service all the affected clients. Local Fencers are more flexible and therefore likely to be able to complete your job within a quicker timeframe.
  2. Results. Depending on the cost allocated by the insurance company to repair your fence, a local contractor may be able to replace the entire fence or provide a greater service option for a similar amount.
  3. Preference. By requesting a cash payment and your own contractor, you may be able to upgrade your fencing materials for the same price or with only a slight out of pocket cost.
  4. Trust. Local contractors are more likely to want to provide a great service. Your home lies within their general working area and most small businesses rely on Word of Mouth recommendations, so they are more likely to ensure you are happy with the overall result.

Best of all, by looking at local tradesmen for a quote, you are supporting small businesses.

Contact North Shore Brush Fencing today and see how our team can repair your brush fence or build you a new one.

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